To get your alcohol addiction treatment, you must first recognize that your drinking habits have dragged you into alcoholism. You must also possess a desire to quit alcohol.
If alcoholism is left untreated, it may result in various problems like health issues, financial instability, relational complications, and professional imbalances.
You can access various substance abuse treatment options available at Detox to Rehab across the U.S. They have a free-of-cost recovery helpline, often answered by an addiction specialist to help you find appropriate treatment resources.
They provide information ranging from short-term and long-term treatment programs to inpatient, outpatient, and rehab treatment options for any substance abuse.
Here are the lists of various types of treatment involved in overcoming alcohol addiction.
1. Alcohol Detox
It is the initial step in the treatment of alcoholism. Detoxification is the process of flushing out alcohol contents from your body. Alcohol withdrawal has dangerous and unpleasant symptoms. It is carried under the supervision of treatment professionals with utmost medical care to reduce the symptoms and discomfort of alcohol withdrawal.
2. Rehab Therapy
After alcohol detox stage, your body stops craving for alcohol and you can move to rehab therapy stage for sobriety counseling. The medical professionals in the rehab centers provide high level of emotional support to learn how to stay sober and its benefits. They also provide 24*7 medical supervision and nutritional care to help you pass through withdrawal stresses and triggers.
The U.S. FDA has approved three medications, namely Naltrexone, Acamprosate, and Disulfiram, for treating alcoholism and withdrawal symptoms.
3. Alcohol Counseling
You may choose to visit regularly or stay at any rehab center for alcohol counseling and treatment. Such counseling includes behavioral treatments and motivational enhancement therapies by a health professional.
They help to develop and change the behaviors required to reduce or stop heavy drinking. They also help to build a strong social support system, building confidence, and developing the skills needed to set alcohol withdrawal goals.