You may know that the cavity is a sort of hole in the tooth, but do you know that the cavity if the tooth decay process which develops over time? And do you also know that you can counter the tooth decay process and even reverse the processes of decay and prevent cavity? Our mouth is home to millions of bacteria both good and bad. Hundred and thousand types of bacteria live on the teeth, gums, tongue and other places in our mouth. Tooth decay is caused by a certain type of harmful bacteria which forms acid from the sugar contents of our food. This acid is the main reason for the cavity in the teeth. Get in touch with Oracare wisdom teeth removal to avoid teeth decay and cavity.
Our mouth is a war place throughout the day and many things go on happening from morning to the next morning. One such happening is the plaque-sticky and colourless film of bacteria. The other is the drinks and foods with sugar components such as bread, milk, cookies, soda, candy, juice etc. Whenever we eat anything that contains sugar, the bacteria go on producing acid and in turn, the acid starts to eat or damage the enamel or the harder outer elements of our teeth. The other happening is the minerals from our foods like calcium, phosphate etc. and the fluoride from water, toothpaste and from other sources go on helping the enamel repair itself and heal the damage caused by the acid attack. This natural process of losing the mineral and regaining the mineral continues wholly the day in the mouth.
If a certain tooth is frequently exposed to acid attacks like if you often drink or take sugar-rich foods and starches the continues acid attacks, go on damaging the enamel as well as lose the minerals. The lose of damage may initially appear as a white spot which can be said a sign of the early stage of tooth decay. You can stop or reverse the tooth decay at this point. The damaged enamel can self-heal or repair itself by the minerals from the saliva or fluoride from toothpaste etc. On the other hand, if the tooth decay persists and more enamel is damaged, eventually the enamel gets weak and gets destroyed forming a cavity. The cavity is then permanent damage which needs the intervention of a dentist who treats the cavity by filling it.