As your bariatric surgeon informs you that your tummy will be restricted following the operation, they are not overstating in the slightest.
The new tummy will not be able to hold large portions of the amount of liquid and food it previously could. Since this is good for controlling your hunger and weight, it is not so idyllic for keeping up your hydration level. Read further to know various ways to remain hydrated following a weight loss surgery in Phoenix.
Tips to Keep Yourself Hydrated Following a Bariatric Surgery
- Try to avoid drinking when eating
Keeping a healthy and regular diet is crucial while getting better from the bariatric procedure. But your body will not be able to hold so much at a time. You don’t want to feel full by drinking so much that you can’t eat a certain food. Follow the rule of drinking after 30 minutes of having a meal.
- Stay away from caffeinated and sugary drinks
So, is caffeine allowed after bariatric surgery? Caffeinated and sugary drinks like coffee, Gatorade, etc., can affect our system negatively following bariatric surgery.
Sugary drinks will put more calories into your daily diet and can even lead to dumping syndrome. Dumping syndrome takes place while food, particalarly sugar, moves from the tummy to the tiny bowel too swiftly, causing problems like diarrhea or cramping.
Coffee contains caffeine which is a natural diuretic.
- Be aware of the symptoms
It is very important to be aware of the dehydration signs. Some of the signs of dehydration after gastric sleeve surgery are mentioned below:
- Dark or concentrated urine
- Fast heart rate
- Feeling thirsty
- Dizziness or nausea
- Headache
- Drink sip by sip
A very crucial thing that you should remember is that your new tummy will not be capable of holding big gulps. Gulping can cause vomiting or nausea. Rather than drinking big gulps, try to take small slow sips during the day. You can also use a straw to aid you in decelerating your drinking.
Final Words
Keeping the body hydrated following a bariatric procedure takes a lot of preparation. As soon as you go through a bariatric procedure, you will not be able to just down a water bottle any longer. Rather, you will need to ensure that you are slowly sipping on water during the day.