People suffering from osteoarthritis can avoid undergoing knee replacement surgery by simply considering knee injections. After all other treatments have failed to relieve your knee pain, this is the last option you’d try before you think of surgery. Today, you’ll get different knee injections in health facilities that’ll help you relieve pain and reduce inflammation as follows:
a. Hyaluronic acid
This knee injection helps in lubricating knee joints. This further reduces pain and improves both knee mobility and shock absorption.
b. Corticosteroids
This kind of injection helps to relieve pain and inflammation in knee joints.
c. Fluid aspiration (arthrocentesis)
Synovial fluid helps to lubricate the knee joints for easy movements. If you get inflammation, excess fluid accumulates in the joints. Arthrocentesis injection helps eliminate this excess fluid.
Why consider a knee injection?
The number of times you need a knee injection will depend on pain severity, medical history, condition stage, and risk. Knee injection hyaluronic acid will provide pain relief for 12-24 weeks. Below are top reasons to consider a knee injection:
1. Pain relief
This is the obvious reason why you need a knee injection. If you’re experiencing persistent pain on your knees, don’t rush for a knee surgery replacement. You can try a knee injection. Knee surgery replacement should be your last option after knee injections fail to relieve your knee pain.
2. Reduce inflammation
Inflammations on the knees are the main causes of knee pain. Eliminate these inflammations directly prevent knee pain.
3. Improve shock absorption
Typically, there’s friction in the knees during movements. Without proper shock absorption, you might experience sharp pain. If you consider a knee injection, you’ll improve shock absorption.
4. Improve knee mobility
Knee injections can help your knees move freely every time.
In conclusion, these are the top reasons to consider a knee injection. If you’re experiencing pain in your knee joints, visit the nearest doctor for diagnosis and treatment.